ShatWest, the piss poor bank that offers piss poor home insurance. The idea being you pay and when you actually make a claim they tell you in an FSA compliant way to fuck the fuck off.
Anyway the new washing machine coming on Wednesday, so shall be enjoying having the convenience of a working washing machine again, rather than having to rely on other folk as we are at present.
No more banging rocks in the local stream like a savage in darkest Bongoland(c) - The Alan Clarke Diaries.
Still that new machine has cost just over £230 notes, plus travel, having to piss about sorting new insurance etc etc. Thanks to Nat West, sorry Shat West I would put it at about £250 minimum.
Not a fantastic amount but still a sting to the wallet. A sting that had they abided by their contract I need not have taken.
Also still nothing from them with regards the complain, not a peep from anyone. I do wonder if, having had a more serious claim like say my humble abode burning down, if Nat West/ShatWest would have been as fucking obnoxious and provided as shit a service as they have done so far.
My feeling sadly is yes.
Lastly as per each post on these utter shytehawks, I shall be sending a mail to what is laughingly called "customer services" in the hope that someone there actually gives a flying fuck about their reputation.
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