Firemen on brink of walkout, no doubt if that happens they will be smeared by New Labour filth MP's.
A series of local disputes by firemen is set to escalate to the biggest bout of industrial action in the service since a national strike several years ago.Crews in London, South Yorkshire, Humberside and Merseyside are involved in separate rows over jobs, conditions of service and disciplinary action.
And in Essex, several hundred of members of the Fire Brigades’ Union will launch a campaign of industrial action next week over plans to cut jobs, including a ban on overtime and rest-day working.
Don't panic, the message will be delivered by New Labour Twitter Czar Kerry McCarthy MP, who will do her best in spreading the smears. Whilst crying about her being hard done by. But keep quiet with regards her expenses. She also hates private schooling. Hat tip to Dazed an confused for the pic.
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