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Vermin Infest J D Wetherspoons Pubs, ongoing problem since at least 2001!

No I am not talking about chavs, although yes they can be classed as vermin but the rodent type vermin. Indeed next time you sit down in a J D Wetherspoons pub, think about this story whilst eating your meal that has been lovingly prepared by a microwave technician and wonder just where them rodents have been...

First off we have this article, story below the link: http://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/news_detail.aspx?articleid=23900&categoryid=9008

Rats are Dr Who fans

Diners at a Doctor Who (DW) convention in a Cardiff Wetherspoons were shouting exterminate as mice scurried across the carpet. Timm Farr, organiser of the event said: "To be honest it didn't bother me. I was more concerned about the food taking so long to come out - that's why we moved on to somewhere else." - Maybe Bryn from the TTL in Newport Gwent was "working" that night, maybe if they complain they to will recieve a corporate fluff letter off someone called Julie Van Quickelberg as I did earlier this year.

Eddie Gershon, spokesman for JD Wetherspoon said he knew about the mice.

"Environmental Health is fully aware of that but there's no problem with the kitchen. Although, we're not certain where they're coming from."

Perhaps they're coming out of the tardis.

13,000th pub visit

Four dedicated drinkers from the Midlands have set a new record after supping a pint at the 13,000th pub - in a bid to drink at every outlet in the country.

The Newt in Birmingham city centre played host to the landmark achievement. Dedicated drinker Pete Hill from West Bromwich and his fellow "Tairsters" have spent 22-years on the project so far. That's just over 11 pubs a week - good job they're not binge drinkers.

Fancy a Basil Fawlty?

A new Collins guide called Shame About the Boat Race has been published to help decipher modern rhyming slang. Sentences like: "Fancy going down the battle for a couple of Britneys and a Winona — then getting an Andy out for a Basil?" Snifter didn't have a Scoody Doo what that was about until he opened the dictionary. "Fancy going down the battle cruiser (boozer) for a couple of Britney Spears (beers) and a Winona Ryder (cider) and then getting the Andy McNabb (cab) out for a Basil Fawlty (balti)?"

Oh no not finished yet. Here we have a cool comment on this from an online weblog. http://oberonfan.blogspot.com/2006/11/diners-dash-as-rodents-scurry-across.html

But no what is this (an old story rodent related from 2001), it seems that J D Wethermice have been fined
£13,500 after the bodies of dead mice were left adhering to a sticky 'glueboard' set to trap them at one of its City of London pubs.

Oh here is the internet report on this, seems that J D Wethermice have not improved much since 2001. (link below and tell of woe) http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=360333&in_page_id=2&in_a_source=

Mouse droppings were found littering several rooms, including the basement kitchen, and in a larder containing crisps, while rodents were twice spotted running around during the inspection. In the basement of the Liberty Bounds pub in Trinity Square inspectors found a cardboard box covered in droppings - with part of a caterers' health and safety manual inside.

The chairman of City of London magistrates, announcing the fine, said: 'It is disgusting for an organisation such as JD Wetherspoon to allow one of their premises to deteriorate to such a condition.'

A spokesman for City of London environmental health, which brought the prosecution, said: 'This fine fell just short of the maximum £15,000 and shows how serious a breach of the hygiene regulations it was.'

In the basement, floors and walls of the boiler room lobby were strewn with rodent droppings. The pub's bottle store contained mouse excrement and a live mouse was seen running around.

Wetherspoon pleaded guilty to three charges under the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations Act 1995. A spokesman for the pub chain said: 'The company has been trading for 22 years and this is the first time we have been prosecuted on such a matter We have our own independent environmental health team which checks our pubs on a regular basis, but it was a complete failure on this occasion.'

He added: 'The situation has now been rectified. The manager has left the pub. He still works for the company, but I cannot say where.' - Let me guess he is the J D piped piper maybe?

Wetherspoon has 530 pubs across the UK, many of them in prime locations. The Liberty Bounds is close to the Tower of London and is visited by many tourists.

Some non related, non rodent related links, but still related to JD Wetherspoons putting profits over customer concerns. Oh by the way still waiting for an apology letter Julie, after all your firm lets rodents run riot through the pubs, surley staff abuse oap's and yet take the high handed attitude of not apologising to customers. Over to JD Wethermice for a reply...






And lastly a link to another unhappy and I am sure ex J D Wethermice customer: http://feedbackjdwetherspoons.blogspot.com/


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