The Ali Baba of the MP's. A man who voted with New Labour against letting the Gurkhas settle.
This is Malik who claimed extra on his council tax.An error he claimed, the sort of error that little folk like us end up having a chat with the police about!
This is Malik who attacked the growing culture of hostility against Muslims in the United Kingdom, saying that many feel targeted like "the Jews of Europe". Link to that comment.Then again we had this from the Telegraph:
Shahid Malik claimed £66,000 on his second property while paying less than £100 a week for his main house. He has resigned as justice ministerpending an investigation.
Bye bye Ali Baba.
Phil Hope: Care services minister. Fell in Corby to Tory author Louise Bagshaw.
Phil Hope who spent more than £10,000 in one year refurbishing a small London flat. He has promised to pay back £41,000 to the taxpayerBill Rammell: Armed Forces minister. Lost to the Tories in Harlow.
This tight bastard even tried to fleece Christmas cards off the taxpayer. HARLOW MP Bill Rammell tried to charge the taxpayer for the cost of 1000 Christmas cards in 2005.
Mike O'Brien another who voted to keep the 2nd home allowance, he also paid more than £700 a year to an accountant for advice on his tax returns - and claimed it back off the taxpayer. He also claimed £3,000 in household items including furniture and electrical itemsVera Baird: Solicitor General. Lost in Redcar to the LibDems. who just can not get enough of your money.
Chris Mole: Transport minister lost his Ipswich seat to the Conservatives. an uber hoon without a sense of humour. Oh the local paper has his expenses.
Gillian Merron: Public health minister. Lost in Lincoln to the Conservatives. the local paper is not amused by her graft and out an out theft from your back pocket.
Ann Keen: Health minister. Lost in Brentford to the Tories. A classic champagne swilling socialist.
Jim Knight: Employment minister. Lost out to the Tories in South Dorset. A very very strange oddball who loves taxpayers money and who I think is first in line for as an ASBO.
Angela Smith: Third sector minister. Lost in Basildon to the Conservatives, say goodbye Sheffield to the New Labour dog, who has made a fine living from expenses over the years.
David Kidney: Energy and climate change minister. Llost to the Tories in Stafford, that chap who claimed that it was all an error, honest guv.
Mike Foster: International Development minister. Voted out for the Conservatives in Worcester. Who loves the old gravy train.
Paul Clark: Transport minister, enough said really. Anyone who has tried traveling on our 3rd world travel network would vote him out.
Lost his seat in Gillingham and Rainham, who has claimed for food and gardening. Flipped his expenses after claiming the £900 a month mortgage interest for his house in KentJonathan Shaw: Minister for disabled people. Lost in Chatham and Aylesford.
No big loss this chap, although when at Defra, he "lost" some 20,000 cows"
In a situation described as "udder" chaos, officials at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) admitted in Parliamentary questions that 20,979 of the animals had been mislaid.The livestock should have been logged on Defra's Cattle Tracing System, devised to protect public and animal health after the BSE and foot and mouth epidemics.
Jacqui Smith: Former home secretary. Lost seat in Redditch. The fat lady has sung and Jackboot is gone.
Tony McNulty: Former employment minister. Lost Harrow East to Tories. Who was not very popular with the locals it would appear.
From the Harrow Times...A HARROW MP who claimed public money for a house his parents live in has fallen victim to a graffiti vandal.
The door of Tony McNulty's office, in Byron Road, was daubed with the words “that's £60,000 you owe me Tony” last week.Charles Clarke: Former home secretary and fat cunt has been given his waddling orders. Lost to Lib Dems in Norwich South
Phil Hope's local paper is not happy!...
Anger over Corby MP Phil Hope's expenses continued as the leaders of both main political parties were forced to make humiliating apologies for some of their members' extravagant claims.
Mr Hope has come under fire after it was revealed he spent £37,000 on refurbishing and furnishing his second home in Southwark.Mike O'Brien lost at Warwickshire North famous for serving his time, being a rubber stamp and doing well, er if anyone can tell me please get in touch.
No doubt he will disappear back into well deserved obscurity.
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