

The National Debt Clock.

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6 billion quid spunked away.

Labour loves wasting your money, some £6 BILLION to Africa.

Yep, thats £6 billion quid to fight aids an the MP's who themselves love nothing better than wanking away our money have some sharp things to say:

There is no evidence that a £6 billion UK drive to tackle the Aids epidemic abroad will meet its early targets, according to a committee of MPs.

The International Development Committee said the strategy was "strong on rhetoric" but lacked vital details.

But what the hell, its only money right. Fuck giving us a tax cut - thats a proper cut in taxes to stimulate business and create jobs - or spending money here at home. 

Nope its pat darkie on the head and throw free cash at them.

Besides the AIDS problem is one of the easiest to resolve. 
Old Holborn has done a bit on this and written a letter to Africa on behalf of Gordon Brown an I agree with every damn word:another-6-billion-spunked-away.html
Dear Africans,

Stop raping your sisters. Stop having numerous sexual partners. Wear a condom. Stop sitting under a fucking tree all day clutching an AK47, stop deciding that your neighbours tribe need to be macheted to death by the millions, stop letting your tribal leaders squander your wealth on diamond encrusted Lear Jets, stop sending me fucking 419 letters, stop eyeing up your neighbours 14 year old daughter, stop marrying every woman you meet, stop selling your children to slave traders, stop rioting over which bastard sky pixie is the best, stop rubbing chilli powder in children’s eyes because you think they are witches and keep your fucking legs closed for ten years and AIDS will be completely gone from your continent.

Signed Gordon

The Glory Hole, Waterloo Gents.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Banstibation: Carol singers banned

Carol singing brownies have been banned from a Hemel Hempstead shopping centre because they are considered a health and safety risk.

Little girls from the West Herts guides have sung for pensioners at a special late night Christmas shopping event in Marlowes for more than a decade. 

But the centre's managers decided they would not be invited to this year's event because they would obstruct the fire escape routes.

Division commissioner Gill Oxtoby said: "It's such a shame because the girls enjoy the singing and the elderly people like seeing them. 

"It's a long tradition and has always been a good opportunity for the girls to give some service to the community." 

She added: "We weren't even told that we couldn't attend. I went to ask what date it was and that's when I found out. 

"They then offered to let us send a handful of girls but we can't do that, it wouldn't be fair to the others." 

Marlowes bosses have told the group they can send a maximum of 20 girls to perform at the event on Tuesday (December 2). 

They say the new Christmas tree positioned outside New Look and a number of mobile trade stalls have limited the number of performers the centre can host at one time. 

Marketing manager Eileen Gannon said: "With changes made to the centre's Christmas decorations and trade units there simply isn't space for a huge number of performers. 

"We're disappointed, but our priority has to be the safety of people inside the centre." 

In the past, the annual late night shopping event for the elderly and disabled, where volunteers help people who are less mobile do a spot of festive shopping, has featured carol singing, majorettes and choirs. 

Last year the Girl Guiding UK West Herts division, which covers Kings Langley, Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted and Tring, sent 100 of its members to sing for shoppers. 

Eileen said the new rules were open to change in the future, as decisions made on decorations in the centre are different each year.

**All I say is to the people who class Brownies as a fire risk is my answer to you is in the picture....


Council Banstibation: Mulled Wine.

From The Telegraph

The threat was made by council chiefs, who even announced that they will send officers into salons under cover in an effort to catch offenders. Hairdressers have criticised the move as "Scrooge-like".

Norwich City Council wrote to all hairdressing businesses in the city ordering them to get a licence if they want to serve alcoholic drinks.

Sent to 104 salons in Norwich, the letter states that the practice of serving complimentary alcoholic drinks is a breach of the law and requires various licences.

It then warns: "To address this issue enforcement action, including the use of undercover officers, may be undertaken in the near future."

The council also declares that anyone found guilty of unlawfully supplying alcohol could face a maximum of six months in jail, a maximum fine of £20,000 or both.

Nigel Matthews, owner of Nigel Alexandre salon, said: "The vast majority of salons serve tea and coffee throughout the year and in the couple of weeks before Christmas offer a glass of wine or mulled wine or sherry. It seems very Scrooge-like to send a letter out just as we are entering the festive period.

"It is traditional, the clients are rewarded and it is all part of the customer service.

"What struck me was the potential sentence – you get a lot less than that for a lot more than serving a glass of wine."...

Georgia Parry, who works in the Max Giammello salon, said it would no longer be able to offer champagne with its VIP package, which is available all year round.

She said: "Champagne and strawberries is a nice thing to have, and having to stop that brings the whole VIP package to a lower level."

A council spokesman said that under the 2003 Licensing Act "sale by retail" includes providing alcohol to customers as part of the service.

He added that a letter of complaint was received last month about salons offering drinks.

"We wanted to make sure small businesses did not unwittingly fall foul of the law while trying to spread a little Christmas cheer in the build-up to the festive season," he said.

Michael Stephenson, regulatory services manager, said: "We know that with the credit crunch all businesses need to do everything they can to encourage customers through their doors and will be offering various incentives in order to achieve that.

"We accept the letter we sent out to hairdressers in the city may not appear to be in keeping with the festive mood and are sorry if it has been misunderstood.

"However, we are a licensing authority and there is a serious message here about the enforcement of licensing laws and helping businesses make sure they do not fall foul of the law."

Now does anyone believe that we are a free society any more? My first point is that this is a money raiser for the council, either through a licence or fines.

Although the second point is that it is not actually on sale but offered as part of a service, a small difference but one that seems to have passed the bean counters of Norwich Council.

Offering someone a drink - a customer in this case - as far as I can read the licencing act is so long as the drink is free of charge not actually a criminal offence. 

Although I do wonder quite how many of the salons will have the will/time and money to fight a case against the Council?

As I have said before councils need to be parred to the bone, the assorted glorified dog wardens who issue tickets for ever more infractions of laws - which in this case appear to be made up - need to be removed from office.

Damian Green, now MP's are waking up.

Well it is taking the fuckers in the House of Commons, long enough to realise that abuses of power by the police can actually effect them as MP's and not just the little folk.

See for the last 11 years we have had God alone knows how many new laws pushed through, piss poor bill after piss poor bill to outlaw this, outlaw that. 

Hat tip to house of dumb for this one Use of police to harass folks with the wrong opinions? Yes," that certainly rings a few bells.

Labour's Dennis McShane said, "To send a squad of counter terrorist officers to arrest an MP shows the growing police contempt for parliament and democratic politics," he said.
No shit. Well Dennis your party started fucking rolling this ball a rolling down the hill mate. 

Now which party was it decided that everyone who falls fowl of the plod has their dna taken to go on a database? No matter if the charges are dropped later, after all nothing to hide an all that?...Labour.

Which party has set up databases at huge cost, with no real overall aim and which in many cases duplicate each other?...Labour.

Which party decided to bring in Ripa? You know the snooper powers act for local authorities to spot Al Quada members putting the bins out on the wrong day?...Labour.

Who has brought in the fancy Euro arrest warrents that allow our people to be hauled up before some justice abroad with sod all legal process here in the UK?...Labour 

Plus a similar bill that allows our citizens to be popped on a plane off to US of A, oh and ensured that that deal only works one way. US citizens can not be hauled out of America by our courts without US approval?...Labour.

Oh an I shall give one Dr David Kelly a mention here, the weapons expert hounded to his death my New Labour as his views did not tie in with the sexed up weapons dossier that Blair wanted for his war.

Which party has given us a second level of - and second rate - policing here in the UK, where we have marshalls, PCSO's, wardens and suchlike given powers that previously belonged only to the police?...Labour. 

Which party has stood back and put countless bills forward that strike out whole areas of English law, as well as "common law" in favour of unelected European Acts/Directives and the like?... Labour.

They have handed sweeping powers to local authorities, who can fine people for minor offenses and even employ staff for that reason alone. Anyone who believes that wardens, marshalls and PCSO's are not there to gather in taxes is deluded. An example of this is with the case of the so called metric martyrs, even the Eu stated they have no problem with people selling a pound of apples and yet cases still come up before the courts now.

Only the other month we had a copy of 1984 given to each and every MP. Oh they laughed, this was dismissed it as a gimmick, a joke, nothing more than the rabid ravings of Daily Mail readers, the smoking lobby etc etc etc.

Well the duplicitous fuckers in The Commons even sat back whilst their own party workers were fed to the wolves the other year in the "cash for honours" story that took up so much of the papers for so long. 
Labour aide, Ruth Turner's home was raided by Police at 6.30 am.She had no advanced notice but the press did. Her home  and office was searched and she was arrested and questioned for several hours.

She was questioned over honours allegations and suspicion of perverting the course of justice. She has issued a statement denying any wrongdoing.

Tony Blair gave Ms Turner, one of his closest aides, his full backing. Ruth is a person of the highest integrity for whom I have great regard and I continue to have complete confidence in her," said the prime minister.

In a statement released by 10 Downing Street, Ms Turner said: "I absolutely refute any allegations of wrongdoing of any nature whatsoever. No charge was ever made.

Well now its an MP, they are all starting to open their eyes. Suddenly its a bit much. Why was he arrested when all the information could have been gathered by anyone. Even Paul Flynn comments:

There was no threat to security in these published 'secrets.' They should have all been available through FOI requests. It's mystery to me why a list of the anti 42 day Labour MPs should be secret. Any knowledgeable political commentator could have written the list.
Well give the police powers they will use and on times abuse them. Over to Littlejohn
An Opposition spokesman is arrested without warning on trumped-up conspiracy charges and thrown into jail. His home, constituency and parliamentary offices are simultaneously raided by 20 anti-terrorist officers.

It sounds like Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, or East Berlin before the Wall came down. But this happened in Britain, in the past 48 hours  -  the most terrifying manifestation to date of Labour's Stasi State.

The shadow immigration minister, Damian Green, was taken from his home in Kent to a Central London police station, where he was interrogated for nine hours by officers investigating the leak of sensitive information from the Home Office.

Or, as a Met spokesman put it, in classic Plodspeak: 'A 52-year- old man has been arrested on suspicion of conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office and aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring misconduct in a public office.'

This risible, catch-all indictment could be levelled at just about any member of the Government, from the Prime Minister downwards, any day of the week. Labour spent all last weekend leaking details of the emergency Budget. Gordon Brown's early career was built on leaked documents.

Green's 'crime' was to expose the deceit and incompetence of this government's shambolic immigration policy and make public a confidential Home Office memo, which revealed that an illegal alien had been working as a cleaner in the House of Commons.

Plus Matthew Parris has his say

On the whole, and in the main, and everything considered, you do not in a democracy go around arresting the Opposition. For some time now, web humorists have been spelling new Labour “Nu-Labour”. As reports of Damian Green's arrest swirled yesterday, the prefix ZA attached itself to the bloggers' joke: ZANU-Labour. If by lunch I had heard the comparison with Zimbabwe once, I had heard it a dozen times.

Nine - nine - counter-terrorism officers? Raids (for that is what we would call them in Russia) on the home and offices of a senior member of the Opposition? What a blunder. What an outrage. What a stupid, stupid, thing to do. The best argument for doubting that ministers had anything to do with the arrest of a mild-mannered and distinctly herbivorous Shadow Immigration Minister is that this is a gift to the Tories, and incredibly damaging to a governing party whose Prime Minister enjoys a reputation for bullying.

Maybe ministers really were kept in total ignorance, but few ordinary voters are going to believe it. A Prime Minister otherwise known as the Big, Clunking Fist will struggle to dissociate himself in the public mind from an astonishingly heavy-handed police operation against a critic.

For me, Thomas à Becket and Canterbury Cathedral spring to mind. I picture an infuriated Prime Minister bellowing at a flat-screen television: “Will nobody rid me of these troublesome leaks?” Who the four knights were who took it upon themselves to act upon the presumed wishes of a maddened monarch, we may never know, but when Mr Brown insists that he didn't actually know, it is possible to believe him.

But this farce now has entered the realm of the sureal, our big titted bovine faced kebab munching Home Sec. has decided to make a statement to the little folk of this land:

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has defended the right of police to arrest a Tory MP over alleged Home Office leaks - suggesting the case was more serious than reported.

Officers had to be allowed to "follow the evidence where they need to" and it would be "Stalinist" for politicians to intervene, she told the BBC.

How strange that elder statesmen on all sides of the House disagree with this action, still let us see what other pearls of wisdom she has to offer.

But Ms Smith said the investigation was examining a "systematic series of leaks" of potentially sensitive material beyond the cases being claimed by critics.

"It is not an investigation into whether or not Opposition politicians used information they received to embarrass or hold to account the Government," she told BBC1's Andrew Marr Show. "That is a completely legitimate activity it has gone on; it should go on; it will go on. This started as an investigation of a systematic series of leaks from a department that deals with some of the most sensitive and confidential information in Government.

"There are four leaks that are in the public arena. The point is that this started as an investigation into a systematic series of leaks about which, of course, it was not clear what had been leaked and what may not have been leaked."

Right so there is or may be further information, or there may not. What could be termed a fishing expedition?...
Replying to critics of the police action, she went on: "In my book Stalinism and a police state happens when ministers direct and interfere with specific investigations that the police are carrying out."
Although she neglects the bit about Stalinism being used by the security services to enforce the will of the state, even though ministers may not actually be getting their hands dirty.

Oh and I shall use the opportunity to remind folk that it was the same bovine faced kebab eating Jacqui Spliff who who prevented the SFO from looking into New Labour sleaze...
More than two months after the US justice department formally requested assistance in its investigation of Britain's biggest arms company, the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, has failed to pass on the request to the Serious Fraud Office.
The head of an influential parliamentary arms committee today said he was "very concerned" at the government's refusal to cooperate with the US criminal investigation into allegations of corruption against BAE Systems.
An this fucking tedious woman has the bare faced cheek to put her bovine features on the telly and bleat on about non fucking interference with the authorities. Fucking can put her complaints right up her fedid cunt, the cunt.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

20% Tax - James Gordon "Cyclops" Brown's prudence.

George Osborne has accused Labour of planning a "secret tax bombshell" after Gordon Brown refused to deny that they considered increasing VAT to 20%.

This came after an official document, signed by a Treasury minister, revealed plans to increase VAT to 18.5% after the next election.

George said, "It explains why there is a black hole in the PBR - because at the last minute Gordon Brown clearly decided to keep secret his plan to hit everyone with an extra tax rise to pay for his borrowing binge."

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Eddie McAtominey - pisshead Labour councillor.

Came across this one in a Google search, note the fawning tone used by the local arse rag "The Shields Gazette".
A VETERAN councillor whose life has taken a downward spiral since he was diagnosed with prostate cancer has admitted failing to provide a breath test after a car accident.
Veteran!? WTF the bloke works for the council he is not a fucking Spitfire pilot.
This is the second guilty plea Hebburn South ward councillor Eddie McAtominey has made before magistrates in a month.

On November 11, he appeared before South Tyneside Magistrates' Court after being caught more than twice over the drink-drive limit the day before in Solway Road, Hebburn, and was banned from the roads for 21 months.

Yesterday, during an appearance at Peterlee magistrates relating to his arrest in May after an accident in Victoria Road West, Hebburn, he admitted failing to provide a breath test at South Shields police station.

The 62-year-old, of Sullivan Walk, Hebburn, initially pleaded not guilty to the offence, and a trial was due to take place in the new year, but he changed his plea.
So not once but twice he is picked up "tired and emotional" behind the wheel of a car. 
Magistrates heard how the councillor turned to drink after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Terence Carney, defending, said: "This is one of the saddest cases I have personally had to deal with in my career.

"The sad truth is that over the last two years Mr McAtominey's life has taken a downward spiral. 

"He was diagnosed as having prostate cancer, and the prospect of that diagnosis had a serious impact on him.

"But he has gone on and shouldered this burden, and just got on with his public duty.

"In a bid to come to terms with that reality and the stress he has turned to alcohol. 

"He apologises and admits this was his mistake, and it was completely his fault.
Well thats allright then, give him a cup of coffee to sober up and send him on his merry way. What a total fucking cunt, does he not realise the seriousness of his actions. 

Having seen a death caused by a drunk driver my view is that they should lose their license for good, fuck the reform bullshit. Driving a car is a privilage and if like Eddie here you like to hit the sauce then you lose that privilage.

For him to do it twice just shows that he is unable to control his boozing and he gives not a flying fuck about the consequences of his drunken antics.
"There have been people who have taken the opportunity to sneer at the fall from grace of this man, who had such a high public profile."

Magistrates heard McAtominey has served the community of Hebburn as a local councillor for the past 36 years, and is one of the longest-serving members of South Tyneside Council.

He was lead member of jobs, enterprise and regeneration and South Tyneside's representative on Northumbria Police Authority until he resigned from the positions earlier this month.
Well as for his legal bod to claim people are sneering is wankspeak. People are annoyed, drunk driving is wrong, drunk driving twice is showing a contempt for both the law and society.
Chairman of the Bench Martin Palmer said: "You are already banned for 21 months from November 11, we are going to ban you from driving for 12 months which will run concurrent."

In addition to the fine, McAtominey was also fined £150 and ordered to pay costs of £200 and a £15 victim surcharge.

A spokesman for Labour North, the regional office of the Labour Party, said: "Coun McAtominey remains suspended from the Labour Party pending the outcome of our own investigations."
So there you go, no jail time a slap across the knuckles and a wee small fine. 

Instead he should have faced:


Up to 14 YEARS in PRISON. (usually 3 months)

An UNLIMITED FINE, Typically £5000. 

FORCED to sit an Extended Driving TEST. 
The law in this case is an ass. 

Peter Mandelsnake: James Gordon "Cyclops" Brown a Moses like figure.

"People really do look to him like some Moses figure who is going to lead them away from this economic mess to the promised land."

Well lets just hope that the cunt dies before reaching the age of 120 and when we do get to the "promised land" that he like Moses is denied entry and dies.

Another cool downfall video.


New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Jim Knight MP (Labour) - speaks out on dangers of Facebook, & he has hundreds of friends on facebook.

Oh how I laughed reading this one. Schools Minister Jim Knight has spoken on the fact that children are spending to long on social networking sites.

Yesterday, Mr Knight told them it was their responsibility to stop youngsters from obsessively ‘cultivating their empire of Facebook friends’.

**Yes I have added my self to his "friend list" the amusment of that appeals to my sense of humour.

Instead they should send them outdoors to enjoy ‘healthy activities’ and ‘learn about the world around them’.

But the minister failed to disclose that he has his own vast empire of friends, who follow his exploits online through regular ‘status updates’.

This includes such revelations as the fact that he has ‘finished painting the bedroom’.

His 883 friends can also view holiday snaps, including a shot of the South Dorset MP wearing a beret.

In a speech to head teachers aimed at encouraging greater parental involvement in education, Mr Knight pointed out the perils of spending too long on social networking sites.

Still this is what we expect from our MP's, overpaid and of the opinion that they know best and who are we to correct them.

On top of his rather nice ministerial wage, Jim also blagged a cool £137,970 in expenses for the year 2006/07, expensive job being Schools Minister: link to mp expenses

He is also in favour of ID cards and I am sure that he will be claiming the cost back through expenses unlike the rest of us who will have to pay for the "privilage" of an ID card.

**Never trust a grinning MP in a beret...

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Damian Green MP arrested opposing Zanu New Labour.

Hat tip to A Very British Dude.
The New Labour Project is complete. It's ironic that this happened on Sir Iain Blair's last day a Metropolitan Police Commissioner; the day on which we say "fuck off, you filthy turd, good riddance, I hope your retirement is short, painful and terminated by a particularly nasty cancer of the cock", he announces the final completion of his project to turn the police into the paramilitary wing of New Labour. It is now illegal to oppose the Government.

My guess: Jacqui "more tits than brains" Smith will not be able to survive the shitstorm this appalling act of political thuggery will kick up. With the pathetic lie that she had no prior knowledge of Damien Green's arrest, looking more ludicrous by the second. I'm looking forward to the nasty stupid fascist bitch getting a good skewering over this transparent dishonesty.

Guido has this Government summed up:
New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Polly Toynbee: Fuck the unemployed.

Second rate hack of The Grauniad has cast her wisdom upon the fucked economic situation here in the UK:

"Even if unemployment reaches 3 million, that still leaves 90% in secure jobs. Most people will suffer not at all in this recession: on the contrary they will do well..."

I am sure that those thrown out of work, those who lose their homes, those who's families break up and who suffer hardship, those who end up suffering depression, who see their lives go down the fiscal crapper will be just so fucking happy that others will be doing well.

Mind this is the same hack who claimed that the Tories were pumping cash into tory blogs, the same who said all would be well:Polly Toynbee firing off cunt wafts.
A minor slowdown with neither inflation nor unemployment rising will see Brown's old "no boom or bust" boasts triumph this time next year.
The same Polly who said back in June last year:
'But then, as they stepped into No 10 yesterday, here was as decent and clever a team of ministers as ever graced the cabinet table.'
Polly a bit laterlink:
A cabinet of minnows and spineless backbenchers include many - perhaps most - who want Brown gone, but lack the nerve to act.
The same overpaid Polly produced an opus of fucking shyte...
The gap between rich and poor is wider than ever. But that doesn't seem to bother Britain's wealthiest earners. In an extract from their new book, Polly Toynbee and David Walker describe the jaw-dropping arrogance they encountered when they asked some of the fat cats to justify their lives of luxury
She who is one of those very self same fat cats, she added this line:
"None of us like to feel guilty about our comfortable lives"
I am sure the unemployed might take issue with Polly over that whilst they line up for signing on and she suns her leathery face in her villa abroad.

Oh and uber-loaded Polly who has multiple houses and a villa abroad, who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth said of Boris:
Boris the jester, toff, serial liar and sociopath for mayor

Better a jester than a newt fancier any day of the week.

I save the best for last, satirical magazine Private Eye gave her the order of the Brown Nose for this fluff piece on dire unelected PM James Gordon "Cyclops" Brown:
Twice a year Grodon Brown fills his partys's sails with pride. His tordado of facts and figures magics up images of untold national wealth and success.
Standing at the dispatch box, the towering supriority of his brain makes intellectual pygmies of his opponents.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

Murder in India.

Some bunch of camelfucking loons have been killing people in India again. Over 100 dead and counting.

I also agree with his piece which starts with this:
The Religion of Death, Islam, has been showing its grotesque face in India for the past couple of days. Once again we have radical Muslims murdering strangers who have done them no harm. Over a hundred people have been killed. Truly, Islam is the Religion of Death, Murder and Mayhem. If this violent ideology has any worth to the human race, it isn't at all obvious. Indeed, I have long concluded that its only effect on the human race is destructive and negative; it has no worth whatsoever.
I am sure its just a matter of time before The Grauniad's Comment is Free has some former member of Club Gitmo - the Tipton Taliscum maybe? Or other radical asshat claiming its all the fault of The Jews/The West/George Bush/(Insert Excuse)...

Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price.

One that the doomsayers and moslem lovers at the BBC "failed to report" - Hat tip to woman honor thyself

Marine Makes Insurgents Pay the Price

FARAH PROVINCE, Afghanistan — In the city of Shewan, approximately 250 insurgents ambushed 30 Marines and paid a heavy price for it.

Shewan has historically been a safe haven for insurgents, who used to plan and stage attacks against Coalition Forces in the Bala Baluk district.

The city is home to several major insurgent leaders. Reports indicate that more than 250 full time fighters reside in the city and in the surrounding villages.

Shewan had been a thorn in the side of Task Force 2d Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Afghanistan throughout the Marines’ deployment here in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, because it controls an important supply route into the Bala Baluk district. Opening the route was key to continuing combat operations in the area.

“The day started out with a 10-kilometer patrol with elements mounted and dismounted, so by the time we got to Shewan, we were pretty beat,” said a designated marksman who requested to remain unidentified. “Our vehicles came under a barrage of enemy RPGs (rocket propelled grenades) and machine gun fire. One of our ‘humvees’ was disabled from RPG fire, and the Marines inside dismounted and laid down suppression fire so they could evacuate a Marine who was knocked unconscious from the blast.”

The vicious attack that left the humvee destroyed and several of the Marines pinned down in the kill zone sparked an intense eight-hour battle as the platoon desperately fought to recover their comrades. After recovering the Marines trapped in the kill zone, another platoon sergeant personally led numerous attacks on enemy fortified positions while the platoon fought house to house and trench to trench in order to clear through the enemy ambush site.

“The biggest thing to take from that day is what Marines can accomplish when they’re given the opportunity to fight,” the sniper said. “A small group of Marines met a numerically superior force and embarrassed them in their own backyard. The insurgents told the townspeople that they were stronger than the Americans, and that day we showed them they were wrong.”

**This guy has balls of steel.

During the battle, the designated marksman single handedly thwarted a company-sized enemy RPG and machinegun ambush by reportedly killing 20 enemy fighters with his devastatingly accurate precision fire. He selflessly exposed himself time and again to intense enemy fire during a critical point in the eight-hour battle for Shewan in order to kill any enemy combatants who attempted to engage or maneuver on the Marines in the kill zone. What made his actions even more impressive was the fact that he didn’t miss any shots, despite the enemies’ rounds impacting within a foot of his fighting position.

“I was in my own little world,” the young corporal said. “I wasn’t even aware of a lot of the rounds impacting near my position, because I was concentrating so hard on making sure my rounds were on target.”

After calling for close-air support, the small group of Marines pushed forward and broke the enemies’ spirit as many of them dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield. At the end of the battle, the Marines had reduced an enemy stronghold, killed more than 50 insurgents and wounded several more.

“I didn’t realize how many bad guys there were until we had broken through the enemies’ lines and forced them to retreat. It was roughly 250 insurgents against 30 of us,” the corporal said. “It was a good day for the Marine Corps. We killed a lot of bad guys, and none of our guys were seriously injured.”

**Jihad denied. One in the eye for all the lefties and doomsayers who like a certain MP called Paul Flynn who calls that war the new Vietnam. Still what can one expect from dodery old whisky sodden libel case losing armchair generals sat in the House of Commons thousands of miles away from the front line...


Martin Narey, the chief executive of Barnardo's.

Martin Narey contradicts himself in classic Polly Toynbee fashion here.

First up we have this from The Grauniad's Comment is Free, where he says that they are not feral in an article entitled "Children are not feral beasts":link
I don't think I'm a soft touch when it comes to children. Twenty three years working with offenders before coming to Barnardo's revealed to me the damage which can be caused by a minority of children and young people. But, the key word here is minority. And yet, somehow, we have arrived at a point where children; all children; your children and my children, are routinely traduced.

Dismissed as worthless, they are referred to as "vermin", as "animals" or as "feral". If these words were used to describe black or gay people, there would be uproar. Yet this language is now casually used when talking about the youngest and most vulnerable in society.

In a survey, conducted for Barnardo's by YouGov, over half of the population agreed with the view that British children are beginning to behave like animals with just under half thinking that people are right to describe children as feral.

Yet we now have this in todays Telegraph he comes up with this: link
"It saddens me that the probability is that, had Baby P survived, given his own deprivation, he might have been unruly by the time he had reached the age of 13 or 14.
"At which point he'd have become feral, a parasite, a yob, helping to infest our streets"
Have we got another Polly Toynbee in the making...


Donate to New Labour: Seriously funny.

Old Holborn is fucking spot on with this one: donate to labour party

The Labour Party
Donations Department
Eldon House
Regent Centre
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE3 3PW 

Dear Sirs/Madams/Ms/Transgenders,

I am a grateful citizen and would like to donate to the Labour Party to show how much I support your policies that have taken this country to hell in a handcart and then some.

Please find enclosed cheque for the sum of £00.01p.

Love and kisses

Old Holborn.

PS. Please acknowledge receipt of this donation by return

Make sure you mark it "Donations Department"

(it costs New Labour 44p to process a cheque or 27p to return it. If you put a 1p stamp on the letter, it costs them 26p to even pick it up from the post office. )

I'm sending one letter/cheque a day until the election.

**Needless to say my cheque for 1p has been sent. Now if a few hundred thousand folk do this they will soon have pissed away the £1 million donated by Harry Potter author JK Rowlinincash.

Newport pub closures.

We hear much about the credit crunch and the effects of Labour policies in causing businesses to close, jobs to be lost none more so than the brewing trade which is seen as the cause of all ills by Labour and also as a cash cow. 

However its when you see the effects in your local hometown that it really hits home.

The following post is from Beer Brewer, I have to admit to chuckling at some of the parts as they are just so so true.

Since Labour have come to power in 1997 the following Newport pubs have closed:

Simpsons, High St, Closed – empty building

Chartist Arms, High St – closed – premises converted into a restaurant

Carpenters Arms, High Street – closed – freehold for sale

Lloyds, Cambrian Rd, became Jarcals, then Tesco Extra

Breeze, Cambrian Rd, closed, lying empty

Newport Brewhouse, Market St, now a nightclub

Trout, Market St, became Can-Cans, closed, building derelict

Ale House, ex-Sovereign, John Frost Square, closed and demolished

Welsh Prince, Commercial St, closed – premises converted into a Thai restaurant

Langtons, Charles St, closed – premises auctioned 11.08

King William IV, Commercial St, closed – derelict building

Scrum Half, Commercial St, closed, retail premises

Westgate Hotel, Commercial St, closed, part retail premises

Royal Exchange, became Harveys in Pill, Commercial Rd. Closed, building derelict

Mariners Hotel, Commercial Rd, closed

Welcome Home, Commercial Rd, closed, residential accommodation

Black Horse, formerly Celtic Bar/Falcon, Commercial Rd

Waterloo Inn, Alexander Rd, closed and re-openend as a restaurant and hotel

Cumberland house, Courtybella Tce, - closed -residential

Orange Tree, St Michael St, - closed and demolished

White Hart, Tredegar St, closed, business unit

Old Rising Sun, Malpas Rd, closed, building derelict

Pentwyn House, Bettws – closed

Chaplins, Caerleon, demolished, residential development

Three Salmons, Rogerstone, now an Indian Restaurant

Jolly Roger, Rogerstone, now an Indian restaurant

Globe, Rogerstone, closed awaiting change of use to residential permission

Victoria, Corporation Rd, closed – converted into restaurant

Crown Inn, Albert Avenue, closed

Friendship, became Harveys of Ringland, -closed

Seven Styles, was Lliswerry Hotel, closed and demolished, residential development

King, Somerton, closed, awaiting demolition, residential development

Black Horse, Somerton, closed, awaiting demolition, Tesco Extra

Pullmans, Spytty, demolished, KFC on site

New Inn, Bishton, now residential

Under threat

Roman Lodge Hotel, Ponthir Road, - planning permission applied for conversion to apartments

Hereford Arms, Maindee, planning permission applied for residential apartments

38 pubs have closed in Newport since Labour came to power in 1997. Taking this number in context in the previous 18 years under Conservative Governments only 14 pubs closed down in Newport. It is a fact that in the last 11 years of Labour rule we have seen more pubs close in Newport than in the previous 30 years.

Pub openings:

Dragonfly, Cardiff Rd,
1995 Wetherspoons, became John Wallace Linton
1999 Godfrey Morgan, Maindee
2002 Tom Toya Lewis, Commercial St
Banc, Maindee
Page, High St


Seven, was Yates Wine Lodge, converted from the Tredegar Arms, High Street
Walkabout, converted from the Queens Hotel

All the above apart from the Dragonfly are superpubs. Is there a connection here? If we believe the statistics the Government are pushing out then alcohol consumption is up – then is the reason - the superpub? Okay they can offer us exotic African bushmeat(zebu) made to look like a steak, cheap drinks and cheap coffee but let us think of the true cost of these modern-day gin palaces. The places are so large that the management cannot keep on eye on what the customers are up to – selling illegal cigarettes, drinking too much, causing trouble, selling drugs etc, so that these places have to rely on bouncers, sorry security staff and CCTV to do the job. 

At weekends you won't even have a proper glass to be served out of and have to put up with plastic, sorry polycarbonate, as we now have to call them. Great idea, apart from the fact that the glass washers are designed for washing glass, not plastic, so these polycarbs become easily scratched on the inside and the resulting pint you are served takes on the appearance of something served from the sloptray. Oh and if you do want to glass someone, they still allow bottles over the bar or you can scold them by throwing hot coffee over them. 

But look on the bright side, if you are the victim of an attack at least it will be on CCTV and you can rest assured that it will feature on a staff training DVD for years to come.

Newport City Centre has always had the touch of the Wild West about it, it's exasperated now as on Friday and Saturday nights we now have uniformed marshals patrolling the town. Marshals! I did not think that anything could get lower down the food chain than a PCSO. What ever happened to the old days (well about 10 years ago) when uniformed police officers used to go into pubs at night? Some of them were even doing their job and not just collecting a large envelope of donations for the Gwent Police Widows and Orphans Fund.

Nowadays the police are to be seen in their cars and vans parked in strategic, well-hidden, places around the City Centre, just waiting for that moment when they can jump out, arrest someone and spend the rest of the night in the nice warm police station, drinking coffee, eating kebabs and doughnuts and colluding as they write their note books up together. Sorry, they call it doing paperwork.

It's coming up to Christmas, the season that really brings the nutters out. I for one will not be drinking in superpubs this year and if I do pop out for a drink I will be supporting real pubs. Samuel Smith's Brewery will definitely be doing well out me this Christmas. Seasons greetings and have a pint in the Murenger, the Haven in a Superpub Ghetto.

Join the Campaign to Save the Pub at: www.axethebeertax.com

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

I am concerned that these rises in beer duty will harm pubs which are already struggling in difficult economic circumstances. There is also little evidence to suggest that these higher taxes will have a significant impact on binge drinking.


Playing with blogger settings.

The old style has gone along with the old header pic. More adjustments/removals an such like to come.

And now a joke...

How many Labour politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?

Only one.

But the point is the efficiency of these fantastic politicians. In the same space of time taken to change the lightbulb, the rest of the party can simultaneously turn the economy tits up, allow thousands of immigrants into the country and give out half the population's personal details on one CD.


A quick message to one James Gordon Brown: STOP BEING A CUNT.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

People 'must be willing to make sacrifices to cut climate change' - No.

More treehugging fuckwittery by someone called Louise Gray in the Torygraph.

The international survey found the number of people willing to spend extra money on tackling climate change fell by 29 per cent to a fifth, while the number willing to change their lifestyle for the planet fell 19 per cent to just under half in the last year.

Could that be that more people are seeing it is a crock of shit, designed to extort ever more money out of them by unwashed eco loons, failed commies who have taken up the green cause, the tedious media types who belive every word of  The Grauniad, oh an failed politicos looking for a new career.

Most dramatically, the 2008 Climate Confidence Monitor found that the number of people who have heard a lot about climate change in the past year fell from three quarters to 36 per cent, suggesting that climate change has had less prominence on the news agenda as the economic outlook worsens.

However, in a new question put to respondents in the run up to an international agreement on climate change, it was found the majority of people worldwide want their governments to cut carbon by their national "fair share". This will mean developed countries that have produced more greenhouse gases over the years agree to make bigger cuts.

Yep. She has a point. Although she misses the fucking obvious that species die out, shit happens and often - shock horror - its not our fault. Anyway if something can not adapt fuck it, let it go to the fucking wall it will happen sooner or later.

Still the choice of save the Albanian newt or some never heard of species of pondscum or spend tax money on building up the economic future of the people is not a hard one. 

Not a hard choice at all. Without a modern society and advanced technology we all be reduced to slash and burn and where would the world be then with 6 billion plus migrant farmers on the move? Her prescious Albanian newt would be in the cookpot and shortly after we would be reduced to eating each other for food.

The research, which surveyed 12,000 people in 12 countries for the HSBC Climate Partnership in September, revealed people wanted to see governments taking direct action such as developing renewables and stopping deforestation. However they were less willing to take personal responsibility for the problem.

Lord Stern, the former treasury economist who compiled a report for the UK Government on climate change, said individuals must also be willing to make sacrifices too.

An so it go's on blah dee fucking blah, doom an cunting woe unto humanity. Still at least she never blamed Bush for anything which is a plus.

Now I shall explain why we dont want to do more. We are taxed through the fucking nose, fiscaly buggered by the treehuggers in power so why should we give up what few bits we manage to hang onto.

Seriously if they want to hug a tree fine, but fuck off out of my life with their piss poor graphs and quotes from Al cunting Gore.

Oh an one minor point to the vegans and suchlike out there, look eat all the greens you like but that shit really does make you fart a lot more, so have you worked that into your "carbon footprint"? Or should that be "arseprint"?...

Plus we have the fact that a lot of people see this whole eco wankfest as nothing more than a huge con with bugger all real science to back it up. Warm snap = climate change. Cold snap = climate change. Rain, snow hell any bloody weather what so ever and some tofu eating cunt will appear on TV or ranting in the Guardian CIF pages that we all going to be fucked.

More ice in the artic fucking climate change, less ice fucking climate change. Ozone hole moves, climate change, shrinks and/or grows climate change...

Eco climate change is the new religion of the 21st Century a doomsday cult that claims we don't eat greenery grown on the communial dung heap from our own shit that we are no better than members of the Waffen SS and should be put on trial for war crimes.

She wants sacrifices, well how about we kill a hippy.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."