Just added this one to the old blogroll. Do pop over an have a laugh at our bovine faced, slack jawed, dim witted, kebab eating, expense filling, grumble flick claiming, inept and fat arsed, slack uddered Home sex/sec. Jacqui Smith MP.
Previous posts from myself here and here plus also working on the marriage an mocked in the USA an jacqui smith is a cunt as well as jacqui smith is a cunt and J Smith is a cunt also Jacqui Smith pays cleaner peanuts, Damian Green, here be dragons, bathplug petition
Some more previous on Mrs J Smith: Wankergate video her bovine bleating about being picking on cos she is a woman B&Q money off for crime victims Wankergate Jacqui ripps off the public.
And some more wankergate posts! Wankergate posts and is this Jacqui Smith's cat? Plus the search for wankergate mole begins, some wankergate mockery, a word of advice on onanism wankergate jacqui smith videos wankergate post 2 we pay for husband of Home Sec to have a tug.
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