It means there is no chance for a debate on plans for police to store innocent people's 'genetic fingerprints' for up to 12 years.
Previously, officers had been able to keep DNA records indefinitely, even if those involved were never charged. But the European Court of Human Rights last year ruled that this was unlawful.
Not that that worries Jackboot, they want to be in Europe but when it suits them
not bound by Euro laws or even the concept of innocent until proven guilty.
In response, the Home Secretary unveiled new rules which will still allow the police to keep innocent people on the database for six years, or 12 years if they were arrested but later cleared of a serious sexual or violent offence.

This will be rubber-stamped following 90 minutes of discussion by a Labour-dominated committee, with no debate or vote in the House of Commons.
Some Jackboot previous on the kebab munching hoon, roll up for your kebab cards.
Ah, go on here are some more on this bovine faced, slack jawed, sagging uddered, inbred, dim witted authoritarian dickhead: another day another Jackboot... ID cards on high street, Jackboot backs cyclops, Smith humiliated by Europe. Taxi for Jacqui! an Jacqui the minister for being a cunt an here and here plus also working on the marriage an mocked in the USA an jacqui smith is a cunt as well as jacqui smith is a cunt and J Smith is a cunt also Jacqui Smith pays cleaner peanuts, Damian Green, here be dragons, bathplug petition and go on give jacqui smith a kick in the cunt, Jacqui's the 2nd-biggist-cunt-in-world.
Some more previous on Mrs J Smith: Wankergate video her bovine bleating about being picking on cos she is a woman B&Q money off for crime victims Wankergate Jacqui ripps off the public.
And some more wankergate posts! Wankergate posts and is this Jacqui Smith's cat? Plus the search for wankergate mole begins, some wankergate mockery, a word of advice on onanism wankergate jacqui smith videos wankergate post 2 we pay for husband of Home Sec to have a tug.
3 people have spoken:
Oh yes indeed Fido, that facist freedom fucker of a cunt, Jacqui Smith, is a cunt.
So just to recap . . .
Jacqui Smith is a freedom fucking, facist cunt.
Ok. I thinks that's just about covered it.
i would like a show of hands..all those who think jackboots is a CUNT, raise your hands.
looks like im gonna be here all night counting the fucking hands..
Hand firmly up in a Hitler style salute as I shout loudly at my computer screen...JACKBOOT, YOU ARE A CUNT! (Oh bloody hell, forgot I had the window wide open.)
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