Under a Home Office-run scheme, people such as park wardens, dog wardens, car park attendants and shopping centre guards receive the powers if they undergo training, and pay a small fee to their local police force.
Their powers include issuing £60 fines for truancy and dropping litter, and being able to demand a person's name and address on the street.
Under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, the number of civilians wearing a special badge, and a uniform approved by the local chief constable, has rocketed by almost 30 per cent in a year and there are now 1,406.
Critics claim Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is quietly seeking to create a third-tier within the 'policing family', with even less training and accountability than the controversial Police Community Support Officers. Also known as Blunkett's Bobbies or as I call them glorified dog shit inspectors.
The civilians are known as Accredited Persons, but they have been nicknamed 'Jacqui Smith's Irregulars'. The only significant difference between them and PCSOs is that they do not have the power to detain a suspect. Instead, they have to summon police.

Councils and other public sector organisations must pay between £300 and £315 to be accredited to the scheme, and between £35 to £90 per employee.
In the private sector, the costs are between £450 and £600 per employer, and £32 to £132 per employee. They are then given access to a hotline - to report their intelligence to the police.
Police forces are struggling to find funds to maintain the current level of around 142,000 fully-trained officers, and efforts to recruit more PCSOs - nicknamed 'Blunkett's Bobbies' - have also stalled due to a lack of funds.

Councils and other public sector organisations must pay between £300 and £315 to be accredited to the scheme, and between £35 to £90 per employee.
In the private sector, the costs are between £450 and £600 per employer, and £32 to £132 per employee. They are then given access to a hotline - to report their intelligence to the police.
Police forces are struggling to find funds to maintain the current level of around 142,000 fully-trained officers, and efforts to recruit more PCSOs - nicknamed 'Blunkett's Bobbies' - have also stalled due to a lack of funds.
Hitler said - One people, one empire, one leader
Jacqui Said - One kebab, one sisters bedroom, two porn films(plus a bathplug)
Jacqui Said - One kebab, one sisters bedroom, two porn films(plus a bathplug)
A hat tip to GOT for the troughtator pic.
Previous on Jackboot: A woman in love with Jacqui Smith. Yet more DNA nonsense.
Also on the kebab munching hoon, roll up for your kebab cards.
Also on the kebab munching hoon, roll up for your kebab cards.
Ah, go on here are some more on this bovine faced, slack jawed, sagging uddered, inbred, dim witted authoritarian dickhead: another day another Jackboot... ID cards on high street, Jackboot backs cyclops, Smith humiliated by Europe. Taxi for Jacqui! an Jacqui the minister for being a cunt an here and here plus also working on the marriage an mocked in the USA an jacqui smith is a cunt as well as jacqui smith is a cunt and J Smith is a cunt also Jacqui Smith pays cleaner peanuts, Damian Green, here be dragons, bathplug petition and go on give jacqui smith a kick in the cunt, Jacqui's the 2nd-biggist-cunt-in-world.
Clear your throats and shout Jacqui Smith is a cunt Plus: Wankergate video her bovine bleating about being picking on cos she is a woman B&Q money off for crime victims Wankergate Jacqui ripps off the public. And more wankergate posts! Wankergate posts and is this Jacqui Smith's cat? Plus the search for wankergate mole begins, some wankergate mockery, a word of advice on onanism wankergate jacqui smith videos wankergate post 2 we pay for husband of Home Sec to have a tug.
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